Big Springs Parking Structure 2

The project consists of the new construction of a four-level, semi-subterranean 1,079 stall, 348,726-square-foot parking structure. The structure incorporates a retaining wall and the entirety of the structure supported by a rammed aggregate pier Geopier foundation system, reinforced concrete footings, grade beams, and structural slab. The structural design components consist of reinforced concrete foundations, elevated pre-stressesed / post-tensioned decks supported on reinforced concrete beams, columns, and shearwalls. Additional structural components feature reinforced masonry core walls at the elevator and stair towers, as well as machine and utility rooms throughout the structure. Structural steel related components requiring inspection have included the “ribbon” feature which adorns the exterior of the structure and is attached by steel embeds, steel stairs, embed plates to support cable rail, elevator steel, canopy steel, railings, metal deck, and miscellaneous metals.
Twining is providing TIO services, including quality control services for reinforced masonry, soils, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, field visual and non-destruct testing of structural steel/welding, and epoxy anchors and pull testing.