Cedars-Sinai, Marina Del Rey Replacement Hospital

The replacement tower project consists of a nine-story hospital building and a total planned area of 310,000 square feet. The tower will provide an initial 96 patient beds, with two-shelled floors to add an additional 64 beds. The plan further reflects 28 emergency treatment rooms, 10 operation rooms, 2 cath labs, 2 endoscopy procedure rooms, 8 imaging modalities, and required administration and clinical support facilities. The Central Energy Plant component of the project will be founded on deep auger cast piles, which will support a 2-story, 20,000-square-foot structural steel frame with composite metal decks, reinforced masonry walls, and composite concrete fill.
Twining is providing the following engineering oversight, deputy inspection, and material testing services on a periodic, and/or continuous basis, in accordance the standard of care customary with HCAI projects:
- Structural steel shop fabrication and Non-destruct Testing (NDT)
- Structural Steel field visual inspection
- Identify and inspect fabrication of reinforcing steel at the shop
- Reinforced concrete- Twining Concrete Inspector(s) and ACI Technician
- Batch Plant Inspection (Assumes full-time)
- Spray-applied fireproofing
- Epoxy dowels (periodic), wedge anchors (periodic), and embeds (periodic)
- Inspection & Pull testing of post-installed anchors and wire hangers
Our scope of work also includes:
- Prepare for issuance to the construction contractor, as required, written Notices of Non-Compliance using appropriate forms
- Attend project progress meetings, and other special meetings as deemed by the project Inspector-of-Record
- Provide hard-copy reports of all testing services performed to the client, HCAI, Structural Engineer, Architect and IOR, and material testing and special inspectors in hard copy
- Respond to the project material and special inspectors scheduling, and coordination for special inspections, and sampling testing services. Provide sufficient copies to the project inspector. Distribution shall include Cedars-Sinai, HCAI, architect, and Inspector of Record (IOR)