City of Long Beach, Shoemaker Bridge

The existing Shoemaker Bridge is an extension of Shoreline Drive in Long Beach that traverses the Los Angeles River. The bridge will be replaced with a new bridge approximately 100 feet south of the existing bridge. The City of Long Beach (City) is the lead/contracting agency for this bridge replacement project. The new bridge is designed to provide a visual and experiential quality signifying its prominence as the Gateway to Downtown Long Beach. The new bridge is being constructed with a unique architectural design that complements the contextual setting at the Los Angeles River, the existing nearby street over the river, and the downtown skylines and entrance to the City.
Twining’s scope of work includes drilling several deep borings and cone penetration tests (CPT), up to 200 feet deep, in the river using an amphibious carrier with drill rig and CPT device. The borings and CPT’s will be advanced up to 200 feet below the mudline of the river bottom. Samples and information from the borings and CPT’s will be used to develop deep foundation recommendations for support of abutments and the bridge span over the river. Additional borings and CPT’s on the land side are additional scope of work that will be performed to develop geotechnical recommendations for retaining walls and new pavements.
The recommendations will be provided in accordance with Caltrans design requirements and will support the Advanced Planning Study to be submitted to and approved by Caltrans. The scope of work also includes pavement design for the freeway and arterial roadways leading to and away from the bridge. The work is being performed in close coordination with the civil and structural engineers as well as the permitting specialists so that proper permitting related to performing work in the river and on active roadways is obtained.