HOAG, Ancillary Emergency Building
Newport Beach, CA

Twining was tasked with developing the materials testing program and providing a condition assessment for this project. Our scope of services consisted of:
Materials Testing Program:
- Performing GPR to locate reinforcing steel prior to core drilling and coupon extraction
- Providing a Project Engineer to oversee the sampling, documentation and custody of concrete samples and steel coupons
- Extracting cores for compressive strength, density, and modulus of elasticity per ASTM C39, C42, C469
- Extracting cores for compressive to be use as a control core to determine the 40% of the ultimate strength prior to testing for MOE
- Extracting steel coupons for Yield/Tensile Strength2 and Chemical Analysis3
- Extracting cores for splitting tensile strength
- Extracting web coupon at select locations for Yield/Tensile and Chemical Analysis
Condition Assessment:
- Provide visual verification of existing building components per Exhibit A: “Condition Assessment Criteria” and Section 4.1 “Condition Assessments of Concrete Elements”
Project Engineer/oversight of sampling, documentation and custody of concrete samples and steel coupons.
Services Provided
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