LGB, Taxiway L Project
Long Beach, CA

The Taxiway L improvement project will primarily consist of the removal of existing asphalt concrete surfaces, performing necessary excavation and grading, recompacting existing soil, constructing storm drain improvements, installing pavement markings and striping, taxiway edge lighting and signs, runway guard lights and construct new pavement sections: Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements (P-501) over Cement Treated Base (P-301) on Cement Treated Subgrade (P-156). AC Pavements (P-401) over AC Leveling Course (P-403) over Aggregate Subbase (P-154) on Cement Treated Subgrade (P-156).
- Grinding of existing runway and taxiway pavements
- Reconstruction of the existing pavement for use as Taxiway L where applicable
- Associated drainage improvements
- New Taxiway edge lighting, signs, and runway guard lights
Twining is providing the following scope of services:
- P-152 Excavation, Subgrade and Embankment
- P-154 Subbase Course 11,029 Cubic Yards
- P-156 Cement Treated Subgrade 23,621 Cubic Yards
- P-304 Cement Treated Aggregate Base Course 7,161 Cubic Yards
- P-306 Lean Concrete Base Course 1,618 Cubic Yards
- P-401 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements 3,165 Tons
- P-403 Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements 10,082 Tons
- P-501 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 43,151 Square Yards
- Assist LGB CM to review and interpret results from Contractor’s QC testing
- If requested, observe contract required tests or field activities
- Assist with preparation of punch lists
- Participate in final project inspection and prepare a materials testing summary report in accordance with FAA requirements
Our approach to providing these services includes the following:
- Providing the project with a dedicated Lead Inspector who will stay on from start to finish.
- Pre-Shift / Post-Shift meetings will be held each day by the Lead Inspector to review planned /
- completed production
- Weekly QA update meeting held by Twining Project Manager
- Routine communication with Long Beach Airport Civil Engineering
Long Beach Airport/ City of Long Beach
Services Provided
Asphalt Testing