SDCRAA, Rehab Runway 9-27 & Cross Taxiways

This project included the $23 million asphalt rehabilitation San Diego International Airport, which is the busiest single-runway commercial airports in the nation. Jointly funded by San Diego County Regional Airport Authority and the Federal Aviation Administration, the overall scope included the milling and replacing of approximately 2.5 million square feet of asphalt concrete pavement, reconstruction of a new taxiway, upgrading of lighting and signage, and new striping and marking on the airport’s 9,400 x 200-foot runway 9-27 and cross taxiways B1, B4-B7, and C3.
For the airport to remain fully operational throughout the project, all rehabilitation work was performed at night with the runway undergoing a nightly five-hour “hard” closure from midnight to 5 am.
Twining provided quality control services to the project’s general contractor, Granite Construction. Throughout the nearly five-month project, Twining had up to three field staff on site full time inspecting the almost 40,000 tons of hot mix asphalt laid.
In addition, our inspectors also provided all QC services for the removal and replacement of asphalt on one particularly heavily-used taxiway section with more durable cast-in-place concrete.
- 2019 Construction Management Association of America, San Diego Chapter, Transportation Project Achievement Award Honorable Mention